Oh what can I do but settle into this 99 IQ and put my head upward to the sky and sit in my barber's chair and daydream I mean my minds a real blank made for Sunday school staring or reclining upon the bank of the lake counting my blessings that I have nothing to do this afternoon but scratch my eyelids And listen to the birds exchange their sounds and feel into the hollow of my back where the skin is cooled and breathe softly and deeply and sweetly and say to myself there is no tomorrow and say to myself let the world argue with itself and say to myself I don't want to be part of this battle I was born to lie on college campuses and notice the pretty thoughts battling in my mind Oh will a Batia-fly come by and buzz around my head and wake me up and wake me up with intellectual tidbits as to what is good for soul and every silly moment afterwards as I fall into the water of nothingness and go limp
Irwin R. Shaw - April 8th 1983
Oh what can I do
but settle into this 99 IQ
put my head
to the sky
and sit
in my barber's chair
and daydream
I mean
my minds a real blank
made for Sunday school staring
or reclining
the bank of the lake
counting my blessings
I have nothing to do
this afternoon
but scratch my eyelids
And listen to the birds exchange their sounds
and feel into
the hollow of my back
where the skin is cooled
softly and deeply and sweetly
and say to myself
there is no tomorrow
and say to myself
let the world
argue with itself
and say to myself
I don't want to be
part of this battle
I was born to lie
on college campuses
and notice the pretty thoughts
battling in my mind
Oh will a
come by and buzz
around my head
and wake me up
and wake me up
with intellectual tidbits
as to what is good for soul
and every silly moment
afterwards as
I fall into the water of nothingness
and go limp