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Here is some more money dear
continue to care
I am paying for a pinch of compassion
and a cupful of insight
and an anchor for my loneliness
I am adrift my dear
and I am paying you to care
but don't appear like a mere
your business is high class
the spirit is take to bed
not the body
here is some more money dear
continue to care
forgive me dear
if I become angry
like I did with my mommy and daddy
as a good actress would do
help me pass it through
(I mustn't know your acting
it must be deeper than that)
Here is some more money dear
continue to care
and should I ever run out of money
(god forbid)
and discover that yours
is a business
I shall become sicker
than when I was when I first arrived
for as priestess
whose office was a high rise

Irwin R. Shaw - March 29th 1987