They were filled with integrity right from the gold wedding ring on their fingers to the violins which they held with infinite discipline under their chins and as they played soul opened to soul they were in trance and vibrated with heaven. And I a listener felt only envy an outsider one undisciplined and untalented to reach such heights so I told my soul open up to such delights but my soul replied I would prefer to have a rhythm of hilly billy swing and now such chamber shit music surprised at such a response I strained to listen harder.
Irwin R. Shaw - February 1985
They were filled
with integrity
right from
the gold
wedding ring
on their fingers
to the violins
which they held
with infinite
under their
and as they played
soul opened
to soul
they were
in trance
and vibrated
with heaven.
And I a listener
felt only envy
an outsider
one undisciplined
and untalented
to reach such heights
so I told my soul
open up to such delights
but my soul replied
I would prefer
to have
a rhythm of hilly
billy swing and now
such chamber shit
surprised at such
a response
I strained
to listen